Everyone keeps asking me with sad faces "How is Tully handling Terra being gone?". I think it can be summed up in one word....fantastic. For the first time in his life he is an only dog and he thinks it's fantastic. It's fantastic to not share toys, food, blankets, space in the SUV, and most of all, the attention of the favorite human. No, he did not properly mourn the loss of his sister. I'm pretty sure I've heard him humming "Ding Dong, the witch is dead". She did torment him for 10 years, but still, a little respect should be given! Little does he know at some point he will gain a little brother or little sister. For now he lives in bliss knowing everything in the house is his, his, his.
I'm getting worse and worse about updating this thing. Since our last post we've not been quite as busy. Tully and I went to a CPE agility trial in Carmel, Indiana on June 2 and 3rd and entered level 2 for the first time. He was a perfect 8 for 8, with 1st place in each class, for the weekend to put him halfway to his Level 2 titles. I was worried about not knowing anyone in CPE after years of competing with friends in AKC, but I have to say most of the CPE people have been lovely and we continue to meet great people from around the country. He's really having a good time running in CPE and reliving the "glory days" of his youth ;-) The following weekend we went to Urbana, Illinois for a Rally trial and picked up another RAE2 leg with a 1st place in Advanced and 2nd place in Excellent. Next on the agenda is another CPE agility trial in Carmel in 3 weeks and rally in Cincy in August.
I originally started this blog last year as we prepared for the 2011 ACDCA nationals. With the 2012 nationals just over 3 months away in St. Louis, we will start to think about entering. This year's nationals will be much different than last year's nationals. We will not run 12 classes in 2 days. We will not come home with a stack of ribbons and trophies. We will go to have fun at one last national speciality. He'll probably compete just in two rally classes and veterans obedience - 3 classes total. The rest of the time we'll go cheer on our friends and enjoy all the great dogs!