I can't believe I haven't updated this in over 3 months! Where to start?
Tully was due to come off of rest for his disc on October 3rd, so what better way to celebrate than to head out on October 6th to the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America's national specialty in Missouri. We did not risk running agility, but did sign up for obedience and rally. As always, my boy gave me all he could and brought home 4th place in Beginner Novice B, 1st place Veterans Obedience, 3rd place Rally Advanced B, and 3rd place Rally Excellent B. Not bad considered he hadn't been worked with in months. To end the week, Tully was awarded High Scoring Rally Dog of 2011 by the ACDCA at the annual awards banquet. It was a lovely week, but bittersweet as he will not be competing in any more national specialties. What a way to go out with 4 out of 4 qualifying runs, all with placements, plus picking up the 2011 high scoring rally award.
We came home and spent the weekend of November 3rd and 4th at Central Indiana Siberian Husky Club's obedience and rally trial in Lafayette. Tully doubled Q'd in Rally Advanced and Excellent both days, earning placements in all 4 runs, and even earned high combined on Sunday! These two RAE2 legs gave him a total of five RAE2 legs.
On December 1st and 2nd we headed to Queen City for their winter obedience/rally trial. He double Q'd on Sunday for RAE2 leg #6, Q'd in Beginner Novice both days to finish his title, and took 1st in Veterans obedience both days as well.
On December 8th and 9th we headed to the K9 Athletes agility trial in Indy for one last round of CPE agility. At this point he had not run agility in over 6 months and I was quite concerned. My old guy went 8 for 8 for the weekend - 8 qualifying scores, 8 first place finishes, 8 clean runs. This finished all his level 2 titles - CSL2-H, CSL2-R, CSL2-F, and CSL2-S. I plan to retire him completely from agility at this point. Although he scored well, he has started to "bunny hop" in the hind end when running and I don't want to risk injury.
So what did 2012 bring us? As far as titles, he racked up 11 new titles: RAE, AJP, BN, CSL1 (all 4 titles - CSL1-H, CSL1-S. CSL1-F, and CSL1-R), and CSL2 (all 4 titles - CSL2-H, CSL2-S. CSL2-F, and CSL2-R ). He brought home the 2011 award for top ranked rally dog from the ACDCA. As far as his health, he had ultrasounds every 3 months to monitor for the return of his lymphoma - they have all been cancer free. He has undergone treatment for a slipped disc in his back and is happy and comfortable.
Plans for 2013? I think the best option is to retire him from agility completely - all venues, all levels. He'll do a few rally trials this spring and finish the RAE2. After that, we are done. He's done more than I ever expected he would do and it's been a fun run. He'll enjoy his retirement getting back to doing therapy work through Delta Society, primarily with the Welcome Home Dogs program at a locally at Camp Atterbury, welcoming home soldiers from oversees. Welcoming home soldiers seems like the perfect therapy dog job for a dog I've always called my rough and tumble rogue.
So that's all from the Hoosier State. Best wishes in 2013 to all we've met traveling and competing through the years. It's been fun and we will miss seeing everyone! Not to worry, I will be back competing in a few years, although not with Tully. I am confident a new ACD will join the family in 2013. I don't know when, where, or how, but I cannot wait to meet him/her and start again!
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Tully (Firefly Rockin Red Rogue CDX BN GO VER RAE AXP AJP NFP CSL2 CGC HIC, Delta Society Therapy Dog) |